EMTG. Exhibition and media projects management
About five years ago we developed ID for an exhibition
of the franchize BUYBRAND technologies. The project appeared very successful.
For these years the exhibition has grown up and became an appreciable event.
The quote from a site www.buybrand.ru:
In Moscow in Expocentre (October 31 November 2) the IV International
exhibition on a franchize and another business to possibilities «BUYBRAND – 2006» took place. This exhibition became the most large-scale for all the time
of the existence. 144 companies took part in it from 16 countries. In comparison with the previous exhibition the number of participants increased in 1,6 times.
exhibition logo:

Management is conducted by the company with the same
name. But for these five years the number of projects considerably has increased. The staff and work geography considerably increased. Accumulation of quantitative changes led to changes qualitative — need of creation of separate
management company which won't mix up with the name of one, let even the
brightest, the project.
«Anno Domini» developed a naming for the new company,
developed a logo and a corporate style and wrote a legend.
«Expo Management Technology Group»:

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